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 When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]

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When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptyMer 15 Jan - 19:48



Surnom: Absolem

Age: Oh... Il y a longtemps que j'ai cessé de compter les années ♪


Orientation Sexuelle: Peu m'importe ♫

Élément(s): UNDERCO êê

Groupe: Club

Beauty is a sin

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The mind is a mystery

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Once upon a time...

Faites ici le récit de votre vie ou de seulement une partie de celle-ci en 15 lignes minimum.

Pseudo:Panda, ou Vicky ♪
Le personnage sur l'avatar:Kassim - magi the labyrinth of magic
Code (caché dans le règlement):
Quelque chose à dire?Naufinque. Ah si, j'avance au rythme d'un escargot, mais j'avance, n'ayez crainte êê
Comment avez-vous connu le forum?C'est l'gros matou 8D

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Jazz Zebraski
Jazz Zebraski
☼Queen of Frost ☼
Messages : 404
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : Carnival Town
When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptyMer 15 Jan - 20:55


Alors j'ai pas compris tu es un DC du gros matou ou tu as connu le fo' à travers lui? o.O

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When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptyJeu 16 Jan - 6:24

Elle a connu le fofow grâce a moi et moi je l'ai connu grâce a Maika ^^
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Jazz Zebraski
Jazz Zebraski
☼Queen of Frost ☼
Messages : 404
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : Carnival Town
When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptyJeu 16 Jan - 6:38


Ok, j'ai compris (oui la fonda est un peu lente de la comprenette).

Et bien bonne chance pour ta fiche, hein ^^

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Lady Juliette
Lady Juliette
Red Princess
L'avare Narcissique
Messages : 144
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2012
Age : 28
Localisation : Dans ma demeure
When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptyJeu 16 Jan - 18:32

Eh bien bienvenue ! J'espère que ce forum te plaira et que tu passera de bons moments à RP ! ^^ En tout cas, si tu a des questions ou des suppositions ou autre, n'hésite pas à nous le demander nous sommes fait pour cela et bonne continuation !
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When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptyJeu 16 Jan - 19:16

Yoooo !
Merci pour cet accueil, je n'hésiterais pas si je le moindre soucis (ou sinon je harcèlerais le matou pour qu'il réponde à mes questions parce que c'est drôle :3)
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Chi E. Ieyasu
Chi E. Ieyasu
♦ Harlequin ♦
† The Night's Madness †
Messages : 543
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2012
Localisation : Rainbow Waterfalls...
When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptyVen 17 Jan - 23:12

Si besoin, nous sommes là, hein, aucun soucis là-dessus ^^ ... Oui, on me nomme l'admin absente, mais seulement en semaine ! éè Bon courage pour la fifiche, sinon ^^

Fight on o/
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Chi E. Ieyasu
Chi E. Ieyasu
♦ Harlequin ♦
† The Night's Madness †
Messages : 543
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2012
Localisation : Rainbow Waterfalls...
When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] EmptySam 8 Mar - 14:50

Cela va faire plus de deux mois que nous vous avons pas vus... Un problème est survenu en cours de route... ?
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When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Vide
MessageSujet: Re: When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]   When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco] Empty

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When you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. [Underco]

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